Now I know full well that for many men, wearing lingerie is mostly about the sensation of all that smooth silk and satin. However the fact remains that many men who wear panties are just plain naughty. If you happen to be a sensation only sort of fellow, feel free to skip this post, this one is for the men for whom panties symbolize their extreme naughtiness, and even act as a punishment for it.
Some men need to be made to wear panties because they are such naughty boys. After all, what better 'punishment' for a man who just doesn't know his place than to be put in the corner in a pair of lacy panties, exposed for all the world to see.
It has become a long established tradition amongst some wives to put their husbands into panties for even the mildest of infractions. Not taking the trash out, for instance, might land a chap in a mesh thong for the rest of the evening, the thin strap riding up whilst he does his share of the household duties, reminding him how very remiss he was.
Quite rightly so too, one might say. He might even be sent to bed in his panties, his lower regions encased in black satin, holding him firmly in their smooth grip. Of course, when this happens, many women report that the punishment has not seemed to have taken hold. Some even step things up at this point, adding stockings, bras, camisoles, until their errant husbands are covered from top to toe in skimpy lingerie. Even then a very high rate of re offending, and in some cases, spontaneous fornication is reported by many women.
So then, we have a quandry. There are so many mischievous men falling into the lingerie briar patch these days. Whatever shall we do with you?
Panties As Punishment ?
Men In Lingerie: How To Choose Your First Lingerie - A Beginner's Guide To Lingerie
If you're relatively new to wearing lingerie, then it can be a fairly confusing realm. There are so many different kinds of lingerie, and then within those kinds of lingerie there are a myriad of styles to chose from. When you get all this information thrown at you at once, the effect can be a little like being lost in a forest of lacy satiny garmentry, not an unpleasant prospect for sure, but one that can be very confusing when you just want to take one or two trees home.
Want To Share Your Story?
The Men In Panties Blogzine is due to launch in January. It will contain articles, hints and tips, product reviews, pictures, and more. Submissions for the first edition are open, so if you have a story that you'd like to share, an opinion you'd like to air, a question you'd like to ask, or maybe even a picture you'd like to show your fellow lingerie wearers, feel free to email (Take out the x's when you email.)
Include the word SUBMISSION in the title so that we can differentiate between the emails thoughtfully suggesting ways to enlarge penises or get laid more often.
(There is a small amount of compensation available via Paypal for well written articles and stories that are accepted for the blogzine. Just remember to keep it relatively clean, there can be no explicit sexual content.)
Merry Christmas Men In Lingerie!
A very Merry Christmas to all men in panties, stockings, bras, camisoles, the list goes on.... May there be silky treats in your stockings, and may you share your desires and joys with your special loved ones this Christmas.
These lovely ladies are getting into the Christmas spirit, let's see you give them a run for their money, boys!
13 Days Left To Vote On The Poll!
I'm so happy that so many of you have taken the time to vote on the "I wear panties because..." poll. It's been truly interesting to discover a little more about what makes men who wear panties tick. For mainstream society, those non panty wearers, it is probably imagined that only the most perverted men (or gays) would wear panties.
Now perhaps my poll was a little skewed because there wasn't a "I wear panties because I'm a raving pervert who also likes to engage in penis puppetry on public transportation whilst sacrificing a fluffy animal and undressing nuns with my eyes, and occasionally my hands" option, but there was a "none of the above, you fool" option, which so far, only 6 of you have chosen.
Thus far it seems that in many cases, guys just like the feel of panties, though the naughty and girly camps are also fairly well represented. As a special reward at the end of the poll, I'm going to make a chart of the results, because charts rock.
Men In Lingerie: Your Christmas Wish List
It's that time of year boys, time to find gifts, wrap them carefully, and store them away to go under the tree... As great as giving is, it is also good to receive sometimes however, so let's talk about what is on your lingerie wish list this year?
Are you thinking about extending your existing panty collection? Perhaps branching out into a new kind of lingerie? Maybe you're considering trying stockings, or perhaps you'd like to wear a bra. Christmas is a great time to give yourself a little gift, whether or not you've been naughty or nice this year. (After all, let's face it, sometimes naughty boys just have more fun!
Men In Lingerie: The Allure Of Sexy Stockings (Or Why Do Men Like To Wear Stockings?)
There are men who like to wear all sorts of lingerie - panties, bras, camisoles, the list goes on. But for many it is the stocking that holds the dearest place in their heart. There is something about sliding that smooth silk or nylon over their legs and being encased in delicate fabric that really speaks to their psyche.
Casting Call For Men In Lingerie Video
Men in lingerie, wearing it, rocking it, and having fun! There is some really beautiful lingerie in this video, so perhaps you'll get a few ideas for your own collection.
Men In Lingerie Videos
A few videos of men wearing lingerie. A couple of them have been featured on the site before, but for those of you who haven't been trawling through the archives, here they are in one place. These are all pretty lighthearted representations of men wearing lingerie, and they're definitely fun to watch.
See the videos...
Sexy Lingerie Gifts - Naughty Crotchless Panties
What better gift to give than the gift of lingerie? And what better lingerie to give than sexy crotchless panties? Crotchless panties are perhaps the naughtiest of all the panties, and this post links to some sizzing designs from Frederick's Of Hollywood. If you've been looking for something naughty and different... look no further!
Come and see what lacy treats lie in store...
Men In Panties: Why I Like My Men In Lingerie
As a woman, I write a great deal about men who wear lingerie. To be honest, it has become rather a passion of mine over the past few years, but it wasn't always that way. This is the story of how I came upon this phenomenon of men who like to wear lingerie, and how I came to love a man who wore panties.
My Story
Asian Men VERY Excited About Panties
I'll admit, I have no idea what they are shrieking, but it is pretty clear that these guys are almost overwhelmed by panties!
Men In Lingerie: Want To Wear Panties, But Scared To Tell?
For many men who wear lingerie, the most difficult part of the journey is not making the decision to wear the lingerie, it is letting their partner know about their desires and habits when it comes to lingerie. It's hard enough finding a nice lady to be with in this day and age, without also having to worry about finding one that will be okay with, or preferably enjoy you wearing lingerie.
Read this guide to sharing your lingerie secrets with a loved one...
The Day I Was Caught Wearing Panties - Part Three
By Mr Panty Love
Find Part One HERE
Part Two HERE
So there I was, sitting on the edge of the bed in my white business shirt, spiffy blue tie, red panties and black lace topped hold up stockings. It was a little hard not to giggle, but not out of amusement, more out of glee. I may have giggled, I can't remember because the next thing I remember was a horrified kind of shriek and a cry of “You slut!”
My girlfriend! Not only was she home early herself, but evidently she had caught sight of my stockinged legs and mistaken me for another women bedding her man! I didn't have time to move, to hide, nothing. She came around the corner like a daemon possessed, then stopped dead when she saw me, her mouth hanging open. Whether it was shock, or surprise, or relief at finding out that I wasn't cheating on her, I don't know.
“Wh...what are you doing?” She asked the question, even though it was pretty obvious.
“Hi darling.” I said, trying to play it cool. My heart was pounding a million miles a minute, but panicking wouldn't get me anywhere, it was too late to pretend as if something else was going on, she had caught me fair and square.
She looked at me for a long moment, and a strange light came into her eye. At the time I wasn't familiar with it, though I am now. A slow smile spread over her face. “So this is what you've been up to.” She said, shaking her head with that smile on her lips.
Men In Lingerie: Preverted? Or possibly even Perverted?
When the issue of men wearing lingerie is discussed, there are two often heard counterpoints, or slurs that are thrown in the direction of such men. One of these is that the man in questions must be gay. This issue has been addressed more fully in another article, but suffice to say, most men who wear women's lingerie are straight men. Most cross dressers in fact, tend to be straight. When the gay objection is dismissed as being untrue, doubters and haters tend to fall back on the 'perverted' argument.
Men Dancing In Bra And Panties
This is probably crossing the line from just wearing panties to full blown cross dressing, but damn, if this isn't one of the most fun videos I've seen in a long time! Be prepared to get this song completely stuck in your head... and watching the transitions is pretty cool too...
Men In Lingerie - 5 Reasons For Men To Wear Lingerie
Taking a break from all that serious lingerie discussion that's been going on recently, I decided to take a fun look at some reasons men should wear lingerie. If the idea is completely new or foreign or weird to you, or if you know a man who likes to wear lingerie and would like to understand it a little more, this might be an interesting piece to read.
Men In Lingerie – How To Wear Lingerie At Work
It is a common naughty fantasy desire for a man who wears lingerie to want to wear lingerie to work. There are several reasons for this. For starters, you get to feel that lovely lingerie caressing your body throughout an otherwise mundane and boring workday. Secondly, there is the secret thrill of wearing lingerie, nobody knows you have it on, and you can be making a big presentation or talking to the boss in a camisole, bra, panties and stockings without anyone being the wiser. This can be quite a rush for many men.
However if you are going to wear Lingerie to work, you need to do it smart if you don't want to get caught. Read through these useful tips and cautionary notes before making your big expedition!
Man In A Pink Thong
So the quality isn't all that good, and there's some wind on that beach, but this young chap certainly knows how to work that pink playboy bunny thong!
The Day I Was Caught Wearing Panties - Part Two
By Mr Panty Love
I could have sighed with sheer relief, in fact, I am pretty sure that I did. Slipping into those panties was like running under a sprinkler on a hot day, or diving under a waterfall, or, well, you get the idea. There is just something about panties that feels so damn good. I really don't see why women get to have all the fun. It is pretty unfair when you think about it. Why shouldn't us chaps have a chance to be comfortable as well?
Well, it's a little more than comfort, of course. I guess most of the readers will know that already. Anyway, back to my story. I had just slipped into my favorite panties, and was so enjoying the feel of them that I decided to add a pair of stockings to the mix. I don't often wear stockings, and I wore them even less back then, so this was kind of a special treat.
I rolled them down to the toes, so as not to ladder them, sat down on the corner of the bed, and slowly unfurled them over my leg. There is something special about the way that stockings, especially silk stockings, feel going on. These were black ones, as I recall. They were those ones that come up to about mid thigh and hold themselves up. So there I was, sitting on the edge of the bed in my white business shirt, spiffy blue tie, red panties and black lace topped hold up stockings. It was a little hard not to giggle, but not out of amusement, more out of glee...
Man Caught In Panties
This is the reason why any man who wears lingerie should spend some time practicing the noble art of removing it before he takes his hobby out into the world...
Men In Lingerie – Men's Stockings ABC's
Stockings are undeniably sexy. Lying svelte against the skin, their caress is gentle and somehow comforting. They transform one's legs from mere modes of transportation and kicking things, into works of art. Many men enjoy wearing stockings, but some may have trouble taking care of their stockings properly. After all, unlike many women, men do not have the same formative experiences which teach them how to handle such delicate items. This is a basic guide on how to put your stockings on, deal with rips and tears, and wash them when you're done.
The Day I Was Caught Wearing Panties – Part One
By Mr. PantyLove
This is the first part of a real life story from one man who likes to wear panties, and other women's lingerie.
The day my girlfriend caught me wearing panties was the day my life changed. I'd come home early from the office, pleading sickness before lunch. I wasn't feeling sick at all, not unless you count being homesick for my panty collection.
Bounding through the door, I loosened my tie, unbuckled my belt, and began kicking off my pants as I reached towards THAT drawer. Oh, it didn't look special from the outside, and even when you opened it up you'd only see some neatly folded wifebeaters. But they held a secret. I tossed them aside and unearthed my panty collection.
Back then I was starting out small, I didn't have nearly the collection of lingerie and intimates that I have today. I did have some very nice, and even some fairly expensive panties though. I treated myself to them on occasion, as a reward for slaving away at the coalface for yet another pay period.
That day I picked out a saucy red pair of silk panties. Slipping them on over my legs, I almost sighed with relief. The material was cool, smooth, heaven. I'd taken to shaving my legs already. The process itself was oddly enjoyable. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not into full cross dressing or anything like that, its just that sliding panties over smooth legs has such a different sensation to hairy ones.
I slid them all the way up and settled them snugly about my waist. They held me and caressed me like a lover, tight, but not too tight...
Men In Bras - A Basic Guide To Bras
Many men love to wear bras, but quickly become confused when confronted with the plethora of bras that are available on the market today. There are a wide range of terms and types of bra that can be a bit befuddling. That's why I've prepared this simple guide to walk you through the more common types of bra, and give you a few pointers on which might be best for you. This article does assume at least a basic knowledge of the brassiere, as may be obtained by sneaking into lingerie drawers, panty raids, and other nefarious and not so nefarious means.
Discover Bras!
The Experiment - Men and Women Swapping Panties
This was clearly a journey for these brave men and women who shamelessly went out into the world and not only purchased, but also wore the underwear of the opposite gender... This is their story.
Men In Bras – Naughty Bras For Naughty Boys
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Men In Panties – Sexy (And Comfy) Panties For Men
Being a man doesn't mean that you can't wear sexy panties, and wearing sexy panties doesn't have to mean wearing something wildly uncomfortable either. Whilst its nice to occasionally let everything hang loose, sometimes the feel of full coverage against one's cheeks and delicates is just what the lingerie doctor ordered...
Check out the sexy panty tips for men who also like to make it through the day without chafing their privates off here...
Men In Lingerie - Manly Crotchless Panties
There's nothing naughtier or sexier than crotchless lingerie. Up until recently, crotchless panties have really been a woman's domain. However the times, they are a changing, and there is now a wide range of naughty crotchless underwear available for men too. Whether you wear it just for yourself, or as a surprise for that special someone, you're sure to enjoy the feeling of wearing underwear, and yet, not wearing any at all. Crotchless underwear is a delightful contradiction in terms, and in addition to looking sexy as all hell, it also makes for extremely easy access, wink wink, nudge nudge...
Find more crotchless delights here...
Men In Panties - Sexy Panty Inspirations For Men
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Men In Lingerie - Bustiers For Blokes
If you're dipping into the world of lingerie, you might be a little confused by some of the terms bandied about. Panties and bras are easy to understand, and most men know what a corset is, but after that, things can start to get a little confusing. Never fear, you're about to get an education on a very sexy piece that you may not have heard of before. A bustier is used by women to lift the breasts and slim the waist, however unlike a corset, it is generally not tightly laced and does not descend much past the waist curve. The effect is both that of a push up bra and a camisole, and it is a very sexy look for any fellow who wants to look a little feminine, or just feel very naughty indeed.
Men In Lingerie - The Call Of Camisoles
Nothing screams sexy like a well made camisole. Lightweight, innocuous under clothing, but oh so feminine, many men love to wear camisoles as part of their daily attire, giving them a little extra lift throughout the otherwise dreary work day. The feel of satin, chiffon, or silk caressing against your torso as you make a presentation, take the train to work, or simply walk down to the pub for lunch makes for a sexy secret that is sure to lift your spirits, and perhaps various anatomical regions as well....
Men In Lingerie - Super Sexy Stockings For Men
Love stockings? Well get your legs into some luxuriously feminine stockings. I'm not talking about your typical opaques, your flesh toned leg warmers, or even the sexy, but somewhat cliched black fishnet. I'm talking about getting yourself some very sexy, very naughty stockings. Stockings with a point of difference. Feast your eyes on these creations, and see if perhaps you discover something you might want to wrap around your legs one of these nights...
Find sexy stockings...
Men In Bras: Just For Fun
Sometimes, a man feels the desire to wear a bra. This can be brought on for a variety of reasons, including fetishism, medical reasons, bedroom games, and simply because he likes it. Bras can be objects of comfort, desire, humiliation and punishment depending on the context in which they are used. This article looks at a few of the fun reasons that a man might don a bra, in a celebration of equality, after all, if women can wear pants, why shouldn't men wear bras?
Read more HERE
Why Can't Men Wear Panties? PLUS Victoria's Secret Lingerie For The Boys To Share
Sometimes, a man just likes the feel of panties. Or bras, or corsets, or camisoles, or any one of the delightful array of lingerie that is open without reserve to womenfolk, but which, in spite of feminism being in full swing in this, the new millennium, is still largely closed to men not in a commercial sense, but in a social sense.
Discuss the issues, and check out some sexy lingerie HERE