Where Are The Pictures Of The Men In Lingerie?

I've been getting some good emails lately, and one I received recently made a few points about this site and the articles on it, one of them being if I'm writing about men who wear lingerie, then why aren't there pictures of men in lingerie here? I thought that was a pretty good question, so I am going to answer it.

There are a few reasons for not having pictures of men in lingerie on the site...

1. There are very few freely available pictures of men in lingerie available on the 'net, and I do not wish to violate the privacy of partners past, present, or future by using personal pictures on this site.

2. Pictures of men in lingerie tend to attract the gay/sissy/transexual/transgender crowd, and whilst I have absolutely nothing against them and think they're plenty awesome, I have designed this place with straight men in mind. There are practically no sites just for straight men who like to wear lingerie, and I think a lot of the problems straight men who wear lingerie have come from being mixed in with the gay/sissy/transexual/transgender groups.

Straight men also tend to enjoy the pictures of women wearing lingerie on multiple levels ;)

3. If you want to see pictures of men in lingerie, there are a gazillion yahoo groups/blogs/sites where you can see user submitted pictures of men wearing panties, bras, stockings, and anything else you care to imagine. Filling the pages of those pictures here would be redundant, and also stands a decent chance of turning off the straight men this site caters to.

So that, in a nutshell, is why you won't find any pantied nut pictures here.


Anonymous said...

Bravo Hope.

I love wearing lingerie, but have little desire to share with the world.

Anonymous said...

Geeze Hope, I'm kind of inbetween/confused myself, and I still enjoy the pictures of women in the pretties on several levels. I still like seeing attractive women in pretty undies, but I also like getting new ideas for myself (like the lace bra post you did a couple of days ago).

On the other hand, any guy that wears women's undies and does the shaving requires to make them look their best ain't all that straight. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with your sentiments completely Hope. It is very positive to read about straight men wearing panties. No need for catering to the gay scene all the time: stick with female models...

Hope said...

Hm, I am going to have to take issue with you, nanciboy... I have known men who wore panties and did the shaving necessary to make them look good (which is also quite pleasant for other reasons), and I can assure you that I was left in no doubt as to their heterosexuality...

Anonymous said...

quote: and I can assure you that I was left in no doubt as to their heterosexuality... end of quote.
I could make a snarky comment here but I'm too much of a gentleman. ;-)

Let you friends get two or three more decades of life under their belts and we'll see where they are on the sexuality spectrum. I'm on the downhill side of my 50's and the feelings didn't start coming on strong until the last decade.

Hope said...

Well, nothing wrong with your sexual orientation nanciboy, but I don't think the other men here who are straight and shave themselves (which to be honest, I think all men should do if they want a woman to go anywhere near there), and happen to wear lingerie would appreciate being told that they are therefore gay or bisexual.

This site and my writings in general are geared to address this misconception, and just because you might happen to fall into the bi/gay camp yourself, don't assume all men are as you are.

Anonymous said...

Limiting the topics of this site to Heterosexual lingerie activities is definitely a significant differentiator, affording readers the opportunity to find out more about like minded individuals and associated activities.

I say stick with that principle.

Anonymous said...

I think you definitely should stick with what you chose for your site and articles.
It is good the way it is.

You could maybe include some pictures of readers' lingerie collections but not pictures that show them wearing them.