Men In Lingerie: The Secret Power Of Panties, Skirts, and Makeup

Bare Necessities
One of my readers, the lovely Madeline, raised a very eloquent point with regards to why men who like to wear lingerie like to wear lingerie, and other womens clothing as well. Madeline said: "It's only since I've been playing with more complete outfits have I discovered the POWER that women can possess in enhancing their (sexual) appearance and appeal. "

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1 comment:

Rambeau said...

I've only begun to explore the variety of panties out there. Lots of pretty colors, but I wish there were more. I like to coordinate my panties with my shirts.

The other day, a guy at work commented to another guy on his matching cap and shirt, "Are you a woman? A woman worries about things matching." Ever since I can remember, I've enjoyed coordinating colors and styles, like paint, wallpaper and fabric, and even when I wore mens' underwear.

I'm experimenting with the fit of different styles of panties, but the feeling of wearing them is exciting. Putting on a pair of sexy panties and my morning coffee are what I look forward to in the morning.